Sunday, July 27, 2014


"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

You are one good lookin' babe!  I love how your personality is coming out more and more each week.  It makes me sad to think that 6 months of your life have already gone by (and so fast), but I am so thankful that I get to stay home with you each and every day.  I'm looking forward to the days ahead because it really does get better and better.

You love to roll around on your play mat and in your crib just playing and tossing your toys around.  You are curious, wild, joyful, loud, and the biggest sweetheart I know.  You are so close to saying mama or papa, and I'm sure you're getting sick of us saying "m-a-m-a" or "p-a-p-a" to you over and over.  (Hopefully not!)

I love you to the moon and back!

Sunday, July 20, 2014


"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

You are something else!  You've been teething this week and wanting to chew on everything...and I mean everything, including a bottle!  Yes, that's right, you finally are taking a bottle and paci but not for the obvious reasons.  You like to chew on them...not drink, not suck, just chew.  It's actually pretty hilarious; for the past 6 months (that's right too, you're 6 months old!!!) you didn't want anything to do with a bottle or paci, and then all of a sudden you LOVE them.  (Well, you know, love to chew on them.)  This teething phase must really be bad if you are resorting to a bottle to comfort you.  I sure do hope it ends soon, and we see some little white teeth in your mouth because it's so hard to see you in pain and discomfort. But the majority of the time you are happy as can be.  

This mama thing is pretty crazy because I would give absolutely anything to make you feel better.  I would take all the pain you could ever experience in your life and bear it for you and be happy doing it, but unfortunately that's not how it works.  It drives me crazy when you aren't your happy jolly little self 100% of the time.

I love you, bug! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014


"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

My little water baby!  You have absolutely loved every time you've been in the water so far (even when you accidentally dunk your face in and scare your mama to death).  I love it that you're not scared of much and love to hang out and do the things your papa and I enjoy.

This week your "wild factor" has gone through the roof.  You are rolling and scooching all over the place.  (We found you under your crib on Friday with your head sticking out with a big smile!)  You are also talking and screaming up a storm.  (Working those vocals with papa!)  

We introduced more food this week to help fill your little tummy.  You pretty much loved everything you tried, but sweet potato and avocado are still your favorite.  Even though you're pretty messy when you eat, you are the cutest thing ever.  When you're ready for a bite you open your mouth wide and give a good raspy yell all while trying to grab the spoon.  (It makes me laugh so hard, and I almost dropped it on you a couple of times instead of getting it to your mouth.)

With all the wildness and craziness coming out, you are still one sweet and cuddly little boy who loves to be held.  I love that, and I love that you can still take naps on our chest.  Too sweet!

Sunday, July 6, 2014


"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

Rattle, book, teething little multitasker!  You rarely want just one toy these days, most of the time it's 2 or 3.  

You had your first trip to Colorado this week.  I was so worried the altitude and time change were going to throw you off, but it didn't seem to affect you.  You were just as pleasant and easy going as ever, but with all the fun going on, you didn't seem to want to nap for very long.  (I don't blame you.)

You loved our morning walks in the mountains and would take everything in.  (You are such a curious and smart boy!)  You also loved hanging out with family and seeing your cousins.  You were a wild man at times, and I can't imagine how wild and crazy it will get when y'all are all running around in the years to come.  You will be my little nature boy!

I enjoy every second with you and miss you when you go to sleep at night.  (I know that that is such a mama thing to say, but it's true!)