Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Jean Jacket

The hubby has been hassling me since we got married (3 years ago - yikes!) to clean out my closet.  He claims that I don't even wear half of my clothes and that they are just taking up precious space.  My argument has stood strong over the years that one day I might want to wear it again.  Right?

Well guys, this season is my season of redemption.  The jean jacket has made a come back.  And my dear hubby, if I would have cleaned out my closet like you have asked (multiple upon multiple times) I would not have my trusty jean jacket from 10th grade (perfect wash and shrunken fit.)  

And therefore, I am not going to throw anything out that I love because one day I might have the smallest inclination to throw that baby on again and wear it!

...Jean jacket + white shirt + Ray Ban Wayfarers + red lips = perfect laid back chic style

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